domingo, 31 de marzo de 2019

Catching up...

I've been behind the past few weeks! I've been traveling and trying to keep my creativity alive in the classroom, so blogging has taken a back seat unfortunately but here's what we've been doing in second grade:

We have completed the water cycle, animal kingdom and plant kingdom and started to review. I took the opportunity to survey the class and ask them what they like best for class activities. They mentioned games! And some other things like coloring and songs but the general consensus was games, which wasn't surprising.

We have since played one game that was suggested to me by a fellow English teacher in my program and it was a hit. One student faces the class and I write a word on the chalkboard. The other students must take turns giving clues to the student so that they can guess the work. For example "cow"..."We get milk from this animal." "It is a mammal." "It has four legs." etc. The students had a blast and so did teacher Marta Ruth!

I'm going to continue searching for educational and conversational games to keep them engaged and their energy high, there are some stars hiding inside!